An online symposium
organized by
Ecole des Ponts ParisTech and LafargeHolcim
under the auspices of the Chair
“Materials Science for Sustainable Construction”
supported by LafargeHolcim

March 24-26, 2021, from 3pm to 6.30pm (France time)


The cement sheath in oil & gas wells, used since 1903, plays a significant role in ensuring zonal isolation,protecting the tubular against corrosion, and providing mechanical support. With the progressive rarefication of conventional resources, the petroleum industry needs to drill deeper and faces more demanding conditions to ensure the proper execution of cementing operations and long-term cement sheath integrity. Simultaneously, raising public awareness about climate change encourages the cement industry to produce greener cements and improve the produced materials' durability. Bearing these new challenges in mind, we gather specialists from the university and the industry. With their various points of view ranging from fundamental to more practical questions, we hope this three-day workshop will foster interesting discussions on current challenges and future solutions of cement sheath integrity in oil & gas wells.

Scientific program

The following speakers confirmed their presence:

  • Carlos Fernandez (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, USA):
    'Self-repairing polymer-modified cements for high-temperature wellbore applications'
  • Siavash Ghabezloo (Laboratoire Navier, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France):
    'Thermo-poro-mechanical behavior of an oil well cement paste'
  • Simon James (CS8 Consulting, France):
    'What is expected from the cement in cementing for the life of the well?'
  • Maria Juenger (University of Texas at Austin, TX, USA):
    'Alkali activated fly ash for wellbore construction and abandonment applications'
  • Konrad Krakowiak (University of Houston, TX, USA):
    'Lightweight cement systems for thermal insulation of wells operating in HTHP conditions'
  • Barbara Kutchko (National Energy Technology Laboratory, US Department of Energy, USA)
    'The new science behind foamed cement'
  • Matteo Loizzo (Consultant, Germany):
    'Non-destructive testing of cement using logs: quantifying integrity defects, geometry and mechanical properties of the cement sheath'
  • Agathe Robisson (Technische Universität Wien, Austria):
    'Suspensions sedimenting in a horizontal annulus: A model for oilfield cements in horizontal wells'
  • Luca Sorelli (Université Laval, QC, Canada):
    'A multi-scale approach to characterize and analyze the effect of temperature and pressure on the life well integrity of oil well cements'
  • Malin Torsæter (SINTEF, Norway):
    'Ensuring long-term cement integrity after well P&A'
  • Manh-Huyen Vu (CURISTEC, France):
    'Cement mechanical integrity design challenges'
  • Louis Zinsmeister (TOTAL, France):
    'Continuous mechanical characterization of cement during and post hardening'



Practical organization

The symposium will be held online, in the afternoons from 3pm to 6.30pm (French time) of March 24 to March 26, 2021.

Presentations are on invitation only.

Registration is free but mandatory, by March 17, 2021.

Organizing committee

Philippe Bénard (LafargeHolcim), Siavash Ghabezloo (Laboratoire Navier, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech), Matthieu Vandamme (Laboratoire Navier, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech)

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